
Let’s see… here is a lil’ bit about me: I was born in Mexico City and made a living by selling Chiclets. I pretty much made a killin’ with a whopping $487.75 a year. I was kicked off my corner by a much bigger and stronger kid, so I gave up selling Chiclets. I was inducted into the Chiclets Hall of Fame back in 1998. Ok, I am kidding about the selling Chiclets… or am I?

I like to be mysterious. My family moved to California in 1991 and on my first day of school 3 older kids jumped me and stole my popcorn. I ended up growing up physically (my mind is still stuck in 5th grade) and fell into radio. How? I have no idea. It literally just happened. I actually wanted to be a nurse.

I have one dog: Dex.

My wife’s name is Kinsey. I have been with her since I was 19 years old. She is a California girl who loves to shop. I also have a boy named Cason! He’s a stud. And a baby girl named Chloe.

I am a HUGE football fan. I have met tons of awesome celebs thanks to this job… except my idol Eminem : ( Maybe someday it will happen (hint hint). I like to eat pretty much anything and my best friend is my PS4.


See Kelly Clarkson in Las Vegas

See Kelly Clarkson in Las Vegas

Listen for your chance to win a trip to Las Vegas to see Kelly Clarkson’s Studio Sessions residency LIVE at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace!